"We'll come out all right, if you'll only have a little patience.". "Un peu de patience, nous allons sortir!" [Postcard]

"We'll come out all right, if you'll only have a little patience.". "Un peu de patience, nous allons sortir!" [Postcard]
Bibliografisch adres
London, W.C., Red Lion Square : Inter-Art Co
1 postcard
Inscribed on album cover: "Ce qui se vendait à Lausanne et à Territet , relatif à la Belgique, en Juillet 1915 et 1916."
Name mentioned on recto: "Fred. Spurgin"
Inscribed on verso: ""Beach" Series. No. 234. British Manufacture."
Exemplaar (annotatie)
S.IV 10359
Band (annotatie)
Donated by Charles Lefébure, Brussels, in June 1933

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