Breviarium ; Bréviaire dit de Louis de Male ; Brevier van Lodewijk van Male = [ms. 9427]

Breviarium ; Bréviaire dit de Louis de Male ; Brevier van Lodewijk van Male = [ms. 9427]
Bibliografisch adres
[Region of the Meuse or Brussels], [13--]
i + i + 228 + i + (i) f. : 9 historiated initials; a large number of figurative initials and grotesques; initials with floral motives ; 35,7 x 25 cm
Latin manuscript on parchment, richly decorated. This manuscript cannot be consulted without the permission from the curator of the Department of manuscripts.
Band (annotatie)
Modern binding. Formerly owned by Louis of Male, count of Flanders; afterwards in the Library of the dukes of Burgundy (mentioned in the inventory of 1420). Confiscated by the French in 1794, returned to the Bibliothèque de Bourgogne in 1815.

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