Wapenboek Gelre : Ms. 15652-56

Wapenboek Gelre : Ms. 15652-56
Gelre (fl. 1334-1372) - Heraut, Claes Heynen, Nederlanden: Gelre, Holland, Brabant. Compilateur
Maelwael, Johan (fl. 1370-1415). Enlumineur
Yve, Anne Thérèse Philippine d' (1738-1814) - comtesse
Van Hulthem, Charles (1764-1832)
Adresse bibliogr.
[Low Countries: Gelre (Nijmegen?)], [1390-1415]
(ii) + 124 + (ii) folios : 2 full-page coloured drawings; large quantity of coloured heraldic coats of arms ; 21.9 x 14.2 cm
Convolute, consisting of two main sections, I (f. 1-25, the so-called Brabant and Holland section, dated c. 1403-1404) and II (f. 26-111, the so-called original Gelre section, dated c. 1393-1402), followed by some additional material on f. 112-124.
For a complete survey of all heraldic coats of arms see: J. Van den Gheyn, Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, XII (1936), pp. 132-150; P. Adam-Even, 'L'armorial universel du Heraut Gelre', Archives héraldiques suisses, 75 (1961), 48-85; 76 (1962), 68-73; 77 (1963), 63-79; 78 (1964), 75-80; 79 (1965), 70-82; 81 (1967), 72-83; 82 (1968), 70-83; M. Pastoureau - M. Popoff, Armorial de Gelre (Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, ms. 15652-15656) (Paris, 2012).
The full-page drawings as well as the original heraldic emblems have been attributed to Johan Maelwael (c. 1370-1415).
Reliure (note)
Modern binding (Marchoul, 1975)

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